Oicc introduction

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Join the OICC Tuesdays from 1:00 - 2:00 pm for our "Info on the Go Walking Clinic". Benefit from health tips & walking companions, to get you moving, at your own pace! Register here: http://www.oicc.ca/en/programs-event/programs/walking-clinic Walks are led by an ND and our yoga-exercise therapist.

oicc babes4breasts headstart program promo

The Babes4Breasts Head Start Program at the Ottawa Integrative Cancer Centre helps women newly diagnosed with breast cancer. "It's a wonderful program where you feel immediately connected to the other women who are experiencing the same challenges in fighting breast cancer. The support of the group was instant and comforting to me.

For more information, please visit www.oicc.ca Video Produced by Noah Davidson Film

"I have always believed very strongly in the importance of an integrative approach to medicine. The OICC is the perfect solution for me, as my naturopathic doctor works in cooperation with my oncologist. Treatments at the OICC have helped greatly to minimize the side effects of radiation and hormone therapy."

The OICC is the first integrative cancer care and research centre in Central and Eastern Canada. We welcome patients at any stage of cancer and those wishing to prevent cancer or its recurrence. To learn more, please visit: www.oicc.ca Video Produced by Noah Davidson Film

Acupuncture has a place in cancer care because it works on many levels, bringing the body, mind and spirit back into alignment through painless hands on therapy.